On November 2nd 2016, Live Out Loud went behind the scenes with NBC!
LGBTQ and Allied students from all over New York gathered in the NBC conference room to have a dialogue with out LGBTQ individuals who worked at the company. Vince, Max, Jessica, Marcos, Jesse, and Jonte not only spoke about what it’s like to live as an LGBTQ adult, but also touched upon self-care, college life, coming out, self-expression, and much more!
Students were also able to follow up with many insightful questions about what the panelist spoke about.
Once the panel concluded students broke up into small groups with a panelist and they created unique social media campaigns for NBC! The students chose a television show, or a personality, and created a social media strategy around the subject. The students collaborated on how they would represent the subject across platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
The students were moved by the panelists stories; here are some testimonials about the student’s experience.
“I feel like I can see my future in a more positive light”
“Talking to the panelists helped me see that people older than me are going through these things. It inspires me to help people who have not come out yet.”