
Participate in the Homecoming Project

Return to your High School and serve as a positive role model for LGBT youth!

Live Out Loud invites you to become part of an exciting new program where LGBT role models return to their high schools to share their career experiences, personal journeys and life lessons.

For information regarding the Homecoming Project contact:

Leo Preziosi, Jr.
Executive Director


Return to your High School

Please complete the form below and Live Out Loud will work closely with you on coordinating with your school and developing a presentation.

    First Name*:
    Last Name *:
    Preferred Gender Pronoun(s):
    Mailing Address
    Address Line 1:
    Address Line 2:
    Phone Numbers:
    Phone (day):
    Phone (evening):
    Best Time to Call:
    Email *:
    I will send a brief bio and photo for: Live Out Loud's records ONLYFor promotional purposes (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr)

    demographic information
    To further our organization's mission, we are appealing to foundation grants that sometimes ask demographic information about participants in our programs. Please complete only the items you are comfortable answering. Your name will not be attached to any of this information and we appreciate your understanding.
    White/Caucasian/EuropeanBlack/African/African AmericanHispanic/Latin@/Chican@Asian/South AsianPacific IslanderMiddle EasternBiracial/MultiracialNative American/Native Hawaiian/Alaskan Native
    Sexual orientation:
    GayLesbianStraight allyBisexualQueerQuestioning
    Education and Employment:
    Highest Level of Education Completed:
    Job Title:
    Current employer:

    about your high school
    High School Name :
    Year Graduated:
    High School Address:
    High School City:
    High School State:
    Zip Code:
    High School Phone Number:
    Are you in contact with any teachers or staff that still work at your high school?
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Position at School:

    Please Respond To the Following:
    1. Why are you interested in returning to your high school?
    2. What would you like to say to the youth in your high school?
    3. Have you spoken in front of groups before?
    If yes, please describe your experience:
    4. Would you allow your Homecoming Project to be photographed and/or filmed?

    5. Would you share your Homecoming Project experience with your network via Facebook and Twitter??

    6. Can we list your name as a Homecoming Project participant on our website, Facebook page, and newsletter?

    7. Would you like to bring a friend, family member, partner, or spouse to your Homecoming Project?

    8. How did you learn about Live Out Loud?

    Other Information
    Have you ever been convicted of a crime?
    If yes, please provide us any relevant information about the circumstances surrounding the conviction:
    Would you be willing for Live Out Loud to perform a background check before the Homecoming Project event?
    In Case of Emergency, Live Out Loud should contact:
    First Name
    Last Name
    Phone Number

    The Homecoming Project strives to connect LGBTQ youth with role models. Please consider making a donation to help us cover administrative costs. Click here to donate via Paypal.

    Thank you for participating in the Homecoming Project!