There are many local and national services focused on assisting LGBT youth. Below you will find youth-focused organizations/directories, hotlines and youth service providers. Please contact us if any of these links are no longer working properly, or to suggest new ones. This list is not intended to be comprehensive, but to be a gateway to New York City resources and national directories. Thank you!
Center Y.E.S. (Youth Enrichment Services) New York LGBT Community Center’s Y.E.S. program offers free and confidential support services, leadership training, discussion groups, creative arts workshops and social activities to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning young people between the ages of 13 and 21 in a safe, affirming, alcohol and drug-free environment.
National Youth Advocacy Coalition A social justice organization that advocates for and with young people (on a grassroots local and national level) who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ) in an effort to end discrimination.
New York University LGBT Student Services Links, LGBT student scholarship information, LGBT friendly spirituality guide to the NYC area.
The Way Back Home A community outreach program conceived by Michael Nowak who became homeless at 14 and Live Out Loud’s executive director Leo Preziosi, Jr., to help homeless youth and young adults move from the streets into housing. This downloadable flyer contains a list of resources and services to assist you in your journey back home.
Advocates For Youth Efforts to help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Also information on coming out and resources for deaf LGBTQ youth.
Fenway Community Health Gay & Lesbian Helpline 888-340-4528
Peer Listening Line (Youth Only) 800-399-7337
The Safe Schools Coalition Listing of hotlines for youth experiencing harassment, especially in schools.
The Trevor Helpline (24-hour Suicide Hotline for Gay Youth): 866-488-7386 The Trevor Project is a nonprofit endeavor created to promote tolerance for gay and questioning youth, and to aid in suicide prevention among that group. Statistics have shown that gay teens are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers, and The Trevor Project hopes, through its efforts, to prevent some of those tragedies from occurring. On August 11, 1998, The Trevor Project launched The Trevor Helpline, the first round-the-clock national toll-free suicide hotline for gay and questioning youth. It’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. Teens with nowhere to turn can call 866-4-U-TREVOR, where they can talk to trained counselors, find local resources and take important steps on their way to becoming healthy adults. All calls are free and confidential.
Audre Lorde Project New York’s Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two Spirit and Transgender People of Color Communities.
Bisexual Resource Center Educates the public and organizations about bisexuality and provides an information and support network.
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center New York’s only lesbian and gay health center.
Go Ask Alice! A health question and answer Internet site produced by Columbia University’s Health Education Program.
Lambda Legal Legal assistance, safe schools outreach, and foster care advocacy. Civil rights litigation organization working to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of LGBT people.
National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) National legal rights and education organization staffs a toll-free youth legal information line and provides resources on building safe school environments, with a special focus on LGBT youth in sports.
Office of the Comptroller’s LGBT Directory of Services and Resources Comprehensive guide to LGBT resources and organizations in the New York metropolitan area.