Live Out Loud’s latest Behind the Scenes program brought LGBTQ youth to The Late Show with David Letterman!
Live Out Loud’s Behind the Scenes partners with LGBTQ affinity groups as well as LGBTQ-friendly companies and organizations across New York City to connect the younger generation with openly LGBTQ employees. In addition to becoming role models for the next generation, employees share career advice and give tours of the workplace.
Last week, Live Out Loud’s Manager of Youth Programming Alex LaCasse interviewed panelists Barbara Gaines (Executive Producer), Matt Roberts (Head Writer), Paula Chagares (Line Producer), and Jay Johnson (Creative Director of Digital Media).

Students had the opportunity to hear each panelist’s coming-out story, both in their personal lives and at work. The panelists also shared their best advice for students looking to start careers in television: keep practicing what you love to do, so that you have something to show for your passion and hard work.
Students asked thoughtful questions and sparked great discussions, including one about how to deal with people in your professional lives who may not be completely accepting of the LGBTQ community. Their advice: be yourself, and if others don’t accept you it’s their problem.
Live Out Loud thanks Barbara, Matt, Paula, and Jay, as well as everyone at The Late Show who helped us inspire LGBTQ youth with Behind the Scenes!
Left to right: Jeff Hagan, Matt Roberts, Alex LaCasse, Paula Chagares, Jay Johnson, Barbara Gaines, and Leo Preziosi, Jr.