Live Out Loud Staff
Leo Preziosi, Jr. - Founder and Executive Director

Founded on the East Coast by Leo Preziosi, Jr. this non-profit organization is built on a singular premise --- to inspire Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender youth to live proud. The inspiration came from a Metro Source article titled, "The Gun in the Closet," which talked about two high school students who committed suicide because of societal bullying. Knowing what had to be done, Preziosi dedicated himself to helping young adults connect to role models and leaders in the community.
Many years later, 12 and still counting, Live Out Loud continues to bring innovative programming throughout the tri-state area, and to inspire and lead by example. Since its inception, Live Out Loud has had the opportunity to bring over 500 LGBT role models to NY tri-state area high schools and universities, involving renowned panelists from every walk of life. From spiritual leaders to fashion designers to corporate powerhouse and grass-roots activists, Live Out Loud speakers have touched thousands of lives.
In his former incarnation, Leo Preziosi, Jr. was a Fashion Designer working for a number of apparel companies including Gloria Sachs and Banana Republic. In 1990, he began his volunteerism by aligning with DIFFA, the Design Industry Foundation for AIDS in event production. This led to an opportunity at Felissimo, a specialty lifestyle retailer, where he repositioned the tearoom and joined the marketing team collaborating with numerous organizations including the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, The United Nations, and The Rain Forest Foundation.
He is a graduate of Fashion Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Textile Production Management and an A.A.S. in Fashion Design.
Tom Hernandez - Program Manager, The Homecoming Project
Alex LaCasse - Manager of Youth Programming
Jeff Hagan - Marketing Associate
Live Out Loud Board of Directors
Live Out Loud's Board of Directors is a group of volunteers comprised of corporate and community leaders from the tri-state area - is the governing body for the organization. Its members determine Live Out Loud's mission and purpose, and they sustain the organization's vision.
The Live Out Loud Board of Directors has the ultimate authority over the organization's actions, including fiscal management and budget approval. Board members also establish the official policies that direct Live Out Loud.
Hector Rojas - Board Chair

Hector Rojas was born and raised in Lima Peru. He attended F.I.T. for Merchandising and is currently a sales manger for a leading trimmings manufacturer. In the 20 years living in New York he has worked for Saks Fifth Avenue and has extensive experience in countless special events. Volunteering at St. Paul the Apostle Church Homeless Shelter, introduced him to Mustard Seed Communities, supporting an orphanage in Nicaragua. Their need inspired him to create his own annual benefit. He is currently on the Board of Directors of The Wayuu Taya Foundation, which creates and manages schools for indigenous children on the border of Columbia and Venezuela. The opening of their first ever computer lab, dedicated to Hector Rojas and Friends will be this spring. Hector is proud to be involved with Live Out Loud since 2007.
Natalie Herron

Natalie Herron joins Live Out Loud’s Board of Directors with over 30 years of experience in Sales and Advertising with Fortune 500 companies such as Procter & Gamble, GTE (Verizon), CompUSA and The New York Times. As Recruitment Account Manager at The New York Times, she is singular Account Manager for Government, Education, City/State; as well as Agency Liaison for all Recruitment Categories.
Natalie has served on Live Out Loud’s Board for three years, as well as Live Out Loud’s Gala Committee. She has served as captain of the NY Times AIDS Walk Team for 3 years, as well as Co-Chair for the GLBT & Allies Steering Committee.
Patrick Kowalczyk - Secretary

A member of the Live Out Loud's Board of Directors since 2002, Patrick currently serves as Secretary. As President of PKPR, Patrick helped cement the firm's reputation as one of New York City's most respected boutique public relations agencies. Patrick's work on behalf of PKPR clients has been featured in publications such as PR Week and he has spoken on public relations trends and strategy at conferences such as The Folio Show and Fund Raising Day, the nation's largest one-day conference on philanthropy.
Prior to joining PKPR, Patrick served as communication director for U.S. Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) from 1992 to 1997. He began his career directing communications and field operations for congressional and state legislative candidates in New Jersey.
Adam Levine

Adam has proudly served on the board of Live Out Loud since 2012. A seasoned advertising executive, Adam has worked at some of Madison Ave's most storied agencies including DDB, Draftfcb and Deutsch where he currently is enjoying his second stint as Executive Vice President, Global Brand Marketing Director. He was drawn to Live Out Loud's mission after attending his first gala in 2011 and has been supporting the organization ever since.
Hal Rubenstein
Steve Seidmon

Steve is a corn-fed Midwestern boy at heart but comfortably runs in the fast lane of New York City. Steve owns a full service media research and consulting company that specializes in media brand positioning, marketing strategy, programming and content development, and emerging media applications. Its services center on designing and conducting qualitative and quantitative consumer research. Core clients include Fox Broadcasting, Showtime Networks, Discovery Networks, The New York Times and Conde Nast. Prior to his independent company, Steve was Vice President of Programming for MTV, Director of the Entertainment Division of Mercer Management, and Vice President of Research for MTV Networks. Steve has served on the boards of GLAAD and the Lyn Blumenthal Foundation, and has provided pro bono services or has been an active volunteer for GLSEN and God's Love We Deliver.
Bruce T. Sloane

Bruce T. Sloane was born and raised on Long Island NY and is a Real Estate Professional in New York City. He was raised to believe in "Tsudukah" ( charity) doing good and helping those in need. Bruce comes to Live Out Loud with past experience with various LGBT organizations. Drawn to Live Out Loud's mission to help today's youth to be out, proud and to know that they are OK just the way they are!
He hopes that he can be a role model to young LGBT kids.After being introduced to Live Out Loud's work by being invited to the NYC Gala in 2007, Bruce has served on committees, been a major donor and in 2009 hosted and originated the Live Out Loud "Pride in the Hampton's" event. This event has been very well received and has grown in size, popularity and has become an important part of Live Out Loud's annual budget. It is his pleasure to have created the event and is proud to be a member of the Live Out Loud team.